Stay Ahead Of The Component Shortage

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Stay Ahead Of The Component Shortage

Don’t Fall Behind in Production Because of The Component Shortage 


As many already know, we have been hit with a global component shortage crisis, limiting the number of electronic components being distributed to manufacturing companies. Due to the rise in demand for electronics, since the 2019 Coronavirus pandemic, consumer behavior has shifted and there are simply not enough semiconductors to supply manufacturing units.

The shortage is said to have major real-world consequences and does not seem to be lifting anytime soon, making lead times longer and prices higher across the globe. 

With challenging times ahead, ThermOmegaTech® urges companies to face the global component shortage head-on to stay on top of production. As lead times are being extended and prices are rising higher than ever before, it is critical to get orders in ASAP to ensure products make it to production in time and before part pricing begins to rise to unaffordable prices. 

Component Shortage

Component Shortage: How to Prepare

1. Place orders NOW to ensure economical pricing and before lead times extend any further. 

2. Don’t assume parts will be in stock – talk to our reps about availability for future orders. 

We want to ensure all of our customers receive their PCBAs when they need them and at an affordable price. The component shortage is no one’s fault, therefore we want our customers to receive the service and quality they deserve. 

ThermOmegaTech® offers quality PCB assembly and electro-mechanical assembly for aerospace & defense, medical, industrial, and non-commodity consumer electronic products.

With a full suite of state-of-the-art automated assembly lines, we have the resources to provide quality end-run products, and the dedication to do our absolute best to ensure quick-turn assemblies, despite the global shortage.

Click here to place your order now.

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